Benefits of Membership

Access to the Music Lending Library: a collection of handbell music available for OGEHR members to borrow free of charge. Some of this resource has been purchased by OGEHR and some has come through ringer donations.

Instrument Loan Program: Available are 2 three-octave sets of handbells (one Malmark and one Schulmerich). There are also eight sets of handchimes (4 three-octave sets, 3 four-octave sets, and 1 five-octave set—Malmark and Schulmerich). The instruments are available for a one year loan period, with the possibility of extending the loan period. Foam pads are provided with each instrument loan.

Email Tree, weekly newsletter: providing valuable bell ringing information.

Learning experiences: through workshops, area events, and biannual festivals.

Clinicians and Workshop Leaders: Access to experienced musicians to support your events.

Connections and Networking: Contact information for other directors, ringers, and choirs to keep you connected.

Promote your own events: market and promote your events to other like-minded individuals through our social media, website, Clapper Chatter, and email tree. 

AGM and Board Participation: Most importantly, you have the opportunity to participate and contribute at the Guild's Annual Meeting, and be eligible to help shape the organization by being on the Board.

We welcome all persons interested in the mission and activities of OGEHR through Guild membership.

Memberships are valid for one year, from October 15.

Ready to join? Please click HERE.

Renewing? Please log in with your email address and password (top/right area of each page) and click on your name. 

Questions about OGEHR and activities? Contact
Question about Membership? Contact

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