Grand Valley
Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo
June 20-22, 1991
The Maple Leaf Forever / arr Donald Allured
Rondo Jubilate / Douglas Wagner
The Blue Danube Waltz / Strauss arr Fred Merrett
Sinfonia for Handbells and Solo Instruments / Bach arr Page Long
Crown Him with Many Crowns / Elvey arr Linda McKechnie
The Island Enchantress / Alfred Kunz (directed by Gerry Ziegler)
Lead On, Oh King Eternal / arr Barbara B. Kinyon
Amazing Grace / arr John F. Wilson
Pizzicato Bells / Sallie Lloyd
Trumpet Voluntary / trans Betty Garee
Brother James’ Air / arr Douglas Wagner
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers / arr Martha Lynn Thompson
Song of the Bells / trans Gail Downey
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