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  • Four-in-Hand Virtual Workshop

Four-in-Hand Virtual Workshop

  • February 08, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Virtual via Zoom


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Four-in-Hand Virtual Workshop

with Barbara Peaker

Have you ever wanted to learn how to ring four-in-hand (4ih) but didn't know where to begin? Then this workshop is for you! Four-in-hand allows you to ring four bells at a time instead of two (four bells total, two in each hand). Learn the basics of four-in-hand, whether for solo/duet/quartet ringing, occasional difficult passages, or as a new position in your group ensemble. This virtual workshop will detail the differences between shelley ringing and 4ih, when to use them, how to arrange your bells, and how to get started practicing your new skill! Please have with you four bells, preferably upper treble. White notes in keyboard order would be helpful (for example G6, A6, B6, C7) but not mandatory as long as you have four bells with you that you are able to hold, two at a time.

Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members

About Barbara Peaker:

Barbara has been ringing with the Bells of Westminster in Orangeville since 2007. Barbara loves solo and ensemble ringing at her church, community events, retirement homes, and fundraising concerts. She has previously enjoyed directing the Alliston Golden Bells and co-directing several youth bell and chime choirs. She has won three scholarships for her solo ringing through the Orangeville and District Music Festival. She is a graduate of Lakehead University with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in psychology. Barbara owns her own handbell company called “Hear Them Ring” which provides sales and service of handbells and related items, as well as teaching young ringers, and providing workshops to fellow ringers. Barbara volunteers as the Instrument Loan Coordinator for the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers (OGEHR). She has enjoyed ringing at such places as the Rose Theatre and Casa Loma as well as being part of a Guinness World Record for largest handbell ensemble at the Mall of America in Minnesota in 2016. Above all, Barbara is a mother to two girls aged 6 and 3, who she hopes will one day enjoy handbells as much as she does.

Questions about the website or issues registering for this event? Please contact Kim at communications@ogehr.ca

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