Dutch Blitz
Get Your Social Game On!
Are you an experienced ringer who has done most of the handbell workshops available? Maybe you are a ringer that just wants to have fun and meet people from around the province. This is your workshop!
Sign up and join Clara and Maddy in the Arnie (our social centre) to learn how to play Dutch Blitz. Dutch Blitz is a fast paced, family friendly card game, where players race to get rid of their 10 card Blitz pile.
Get to know people from around the province as you spend an enjoyable hour playing cards!
Note: This workshops is also available for signup during your break time as one of your three workshops.
Clara Tuckey & Maddy Lang
Both Clara and Maddy began ringing in London, Ontario when they were quite young. Clara currently rings with the Jubilate Bells in London and Maddy is with the St. Andrew's Bells in Ottawa. They have both been to numerous festivals and are accomplished ringers. When they are at festivals they love to have fun! This workshop is intended to let ringers get to know more of their colloquies from around the province in a fun, social way!
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